Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Answer, My Friend, Is Flapping In The Wind -The Answer Is Flapping In The Wind

What do you call anyone that lurks other websites, lifts snippets and snatches from them, then proceeds to use what he swiped to libel them? (I say "sleazeball turd taster".)  I know ... I know, it has to be false to be legally considered libel. My point is, if you exaggerate or distort something past a certain point, it morphs into a lie.

For example, one man on a certain site uses the term "flaps" in reference to labia, and Futrelle creates a major flap about the entire site and Men's Rights Advocates in general. He even posts a vintage picture of a 1920's "flapper" to really drive the point home. He acts as though somebody punched him in the nose so hard his ears flapped his brains out.

Personally, I've never before heard of labia referred to as flaps and don't know any other males who have either. This reference was idiosyncratic or perhaps some form of regional or subcultural slang. Have some nice flapjacks Dave. (Have Amanda make them special for you.) Anorexia will eventually do you in, boy!

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