Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hiding Behind Henry Makow!

Dr. Makow: perpetually exposing the New World Order/Illuminati paparazzi and somehow never ending up in the hospital, the morgue or among the missing. What's that tell ya?

Dave trots him out as an example of the consummate Men's Rights Advocate, so he can use the terms crackpot or crack pottery in association with Men's Rights Movement.

Henry Makow is not a featured speaker at any MRA events. Nor does he post on any MRA blogs or forums of which I am currently aware. He is never referenced by any MRA's or held up as a spokeman for the cause.

Dr. Makow is simply treated as a man who is entitled to his opinions and free to publish them as he sees fit. If you happen to be into Illuminati/NWO stuff, he's the go-to guy.

Any references to his articles in relation to MRA's is not only a cheesy tactic, but one that's so old it's grown mold on it.

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