Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dave's Dingleberry Definitions (Refuse To Swallow Them)

The "Man Boobz" blog purports to give those unfamiliar with the MRM their own dictionary of terms. This is a very common and very effective propaganda tactic. As goes the wording of each definition; so goes the impression it conveys to its readers. Combine your wording with projection (imputing to others your own unconscious behavior) and you have an extremely good propaganda weapon in your arsenal.

For instance, Mr. Dave defines the MRM using the terms retrograde, reactionary and rabid. In point of fact, the MRM is a relatively recent development; a response to the rabid, retrograde and reactionary rhetoric, still spewed by 21st-century women, who are still copying 19th-century Marxist/Communist ideology (ex.,women = the proletariat, and men = the bourgeoisie).

This guy simply assumes control of MRA vocabulary and does with it whatever he wants. His version of the word Mangina is an excellent example: Men who disagree with him. The rest he leaves up to the reader to provide, by way of "various connotations".

This is precisely the number one forensic tactic used by radical feminists. They frequently rely on that which can be emotionally inferred from a declarative sentence to make their point (ex: "Somebody here obviously has 'issues' concerning anger!").

Mangina refers to a male who tucks his genitals between his thighs to give the illusion of a vagina. He is an ersatz woman and, as such, a crude imposter.


  1. Very well said. Controlling language is a tactic the left has practiced for decades. Another is trotting out the cries of 'ists'-racist, misogynist, sexist, homophobic (ok, technically not an ist)rather than refuting the argument. Disagreeing with a feminist=misogynist. I actually had a feminist on his site tell me this is not true. Sorry, but ten years of dialoging with feminists has taught me that for too many, this is exactly true.

  2. I certainly agree about the "-ist" business. Is a dentist someone who thinks your teeth are inferior? Diagnosing is the new upgraded label/slur, as in you have a phobia if you disagree with me. That's why anyone who uses that term should be called a megalomaniac and a quack.
